

Cape No. 7: A Highly Enjoyable Film
 By bluedolphin, published Nov 26, 2008


In all, this movie is worth the money and you won't regret spending some bucks to watch this light-hearted and humorous movie. The jokes are funny, the casts are likeable and the movie is very enjoyable. I entered the cinema with a high expectation of the movie (because of all the hype about the movie) and sure enough, the movie didn't disappoint me at all and I highly recommend this movie for all.




I think that the narration by the Japanese about the story that happened in the past is actually a good idea. It juxtapose with the present love story between Aga and Tomoko. However when I watched the movie, I didn't actually pay attention to the narration by the Japanese, therefore I didn't really follow the storyline and catch the whole story.

The movie uses Taiwanese (Hokkien), Japanese and Mandarin. Since I don't understand Taiwanese, it's quite difficult for me to catch some of the jokes. Sometimes people around me seem to be laughing but I didn't catch the funny parts. After some time, I realized that the English subtitles are not that good in the way that it doesn't express the humor in the dialogues. The Chinese subtitles are more accurate in expressing the meaning and humor, but it takes me some time to read the subtitles in Chinese and I'll miss the funny parts sometimes as I don't read fast enough (I think the Chinese subtitles are in Traditional Chinese).

The cast suits the characters in the movie. I feel hat Van Fan's present image as a rocker now is much better than his image as the "Prince Charming" when he debuted. The other characters are just so lovable that you just can't resist liking them. The talented little girl is cool but cute (I really like her!), the Drummer is funny, and the old man who played the bell is hilarious. All the characters in the movie are unique and special in their own ways and the strong personalities of the characters in the movie contributes to the success of the movie.
這部片的演員很稱職。我覺得范逸搖臣現在的搖滾樂手形象比他出道時的白馬王子形象好多了,其他角色非常討喜,讓你無法自拔的愛上他們。天才小女孩很酷又可愛(我真的超愛她!) 鼓手很有趣,搖鈴鼓老人很壞。每個電影中的角色都很獨一無二,有自己特別的一套,角色的強烈個性對電影的成功有所貢獻。

The setting of the movie and the way the director filmed and chooses the scenes enhances the beauty of the set. He managed to bring out the beauty of sea and beach of the place and it really made me feel like visiting the place in Taiwan.

The songs used in the movie are catchy and nice to listen to. Besides that, the final performance of the band is filled with surprises and humor and I can't help but fall in love with the music and songs.


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